Idaho Species Catalog
Explore wildlife in Idaho. Report sightings of wildlife and roadkill.
Browse speciesSpring break is a great time to go fishing and enjoy all the fun that goes along with it. There's likely a place near you where you can take a kid fishing.
Armed with nothing more than a good set of eyes, looking for a deer or elk’s shed antlers in late-winter and early-spring is a highly accessible hobby for those squirming like birddogs for the next outdoor adventure. But don’t jump the gun on shed hunting season and disturb wintering deer and elk.
The Strategic Plan update will include public meetings in every region in March and April to review potential priority areas and get feedback from Idaho residents on what they feel Fish and Game should focus on in the coming years.
Idaho's 2025-26 Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat Seasons and Rules booklet is now available online, and should be hitting the shelves at regional offices and license vendors later in March.
Things are about to change in the kokanee world, in fact, they’re changing as you read this. Rather than crossing their fingers and hoping Mother Nature delivers enough kokanee (and eggs) for the next generation, Fish and Game biologists started raising thousands of “captive broodstock” kokanee in hatcheries to hopefully make egg production more reliable and predictable.
Fish and Game staff will be stocking more than 10,000 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) trout throughout the Southwest Region in March.
What is the Strategic Plan? It is the roadmap Fish and Game uses to ensure it is achieving its mission to "Preserve, Protect, Perpetuate and Manage all of Idaho’s wildlife.” Find out how you can take an active role in updating this important plan.
Explore wildlife in Idaho. Report sightings of wildlife and roadkill.
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